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Studying abroad is just the beginning...
We love staying in touch with our family for years to come. Over the past 15 years, we have had the opportunity to intersect with over 5,600 incredible individuals who are now doing amazing things. Each day we hear a new story about the contributions our family is making in the world.

Whether your passion is to make a difference in South America or build a career in corporate America, we hope to stay in touch and support your adventures. There’s many ways to highlight your experience professionally and connect with the LeadAbroad team!

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Resume Tips

LeadAbroad programs look great on your resume! You definitely want to highlight your international experience on both your resume and during interviews. Here are some ideas of how you can highlight your LeadAbroad experience:

Interview Tips

In an interview setting, be sure to bring up your experiences abroad. Prepare 3-5 stories to demonstrate what you learned while traveling. Here are a few ideas:

Vision Casting
  • How did you write your vision statement?
  • What did you learn during this process?
  • How does your vision drive your actions and goals?
  • ​How does your vision connect to the particular position that you are interviewing for?
Navigating a Foreign Culture
  • What parts of the foreign culture were different to you?
  • How did you learn to navigate a new place and a different language?
  • What did you learn about yourself in this process?

Overcoming Obstacles
  • What is a major obstacle that you faced during your time abroad?
  • How did you deal with it? What did this teach you?

  • How did you work in a team during your time abroad?
  • How can you apply that to the role that you are interviewing for?

  • What advice would your give yourself if you were to do LeadAbroad all over again?
  • What has changed since you have returned to the US?

LinkedIn Tips

Connect with our team on LinkedIn. More coming soon!
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