
Shifting perspectives in Cape Town–read how Merry Woods, a sophomore from Auburn University, has a new found appreciation for a life of discomfort.

I found out about this trip during a chapter meeting in the fall. I’m usually not one to jump at an opportunity like this, but for some reason I felt driven to find out more about it. I met with someone who told me all about Go Global, and immediately after I was calling my parents begging them to let me go to Cape Town. I wanted a trip that would bring me out of my comfort zone that is Auburn, AL.

This trip has helped me find a new comfort within myself. I have learned that we should never allow ourselves to become too comfortable in our daily routines, because then the small troubles become big and in return the world becomes small. Traveling is so important to our well-being. I realized this the day we hiked up Cape Point. While looking out into the seemingly never ending ocean, I was reminded of how unimportant many of the things I stress about are. Cape Town has been a breathe of fresh air and an escape from my little world in Alabama for the past two weeks. The things I have experienced here will be something I will never forget. From paragliding, to surfing, to meeting the amazing people of Sir Lowry’s Pass, the memories I have made will surely bring me back here in the future.
